Industrial Design
TopWell offers Industrial Design Solutions of high and unmatched standards. Our ID solutions offer features which enhances functions, value and appearance of products. Our industrial design experts study ergonomics, usage context, functional stipulation, aesthetic requirements of the product and finally formulate and evolve the products for industrial design to attain specified formation, appearance and performance.

Design research is a primary process of product design. Our Industrial Design department has integrated the Design research in the process of designing and it aims to understand and improve the design processes and practices quite widely, rather than developing domain-specific knowledge within any professional field of design.

A concept is a hand-drawn or digital sketch which externalizes the designer’s ideas and thoughts in simple line-work to communicate the Design direction. During The development process any new ideas developed are incorporated in it. These concepts undergo refining stages, and are illustrated into 3D ideas and rendered presentations. Thus the client can comprehend design direction at early stage of product development. As an outcome of constant client involvement the results are synchronized with the product requirements.

Working Prototyping
Eventually we arrive at the final product of the entire prototyping process which is the Working Prototype resembling and functioning similar to a finished product. At this stage the client has a Prototype at his disposal for testing. The performance of various materials and the functionality of the design is tested and refined.

CMF Design
CMF is that zone of design which deals with colour, materials, and finishing which gives the most appropriate colour scheme, materials, texture. We pay attention to the Rules of colour harmony and Modelling features as the colour schemes should be in line with the modelling features. We also take into consideration the Features of a specific process as colours can have different effects if created by different processes.

Context Visualization
This involves visualisation of the product in user’s context. We evaluate the design by visualizing in context. Design options are evaluated with real –time interactional visualisation of the product.

It is an exploratory process which affirms that the product functions as per the specifications of customer. It reduces development risk and time effectively during the development of the product. The device is tested under simulated use. Validation controls activity that happens later in the development process of the product.